Monday, October 22, 2012

Zoe-Inspired Music! (Part One)

When I see a movie I love a great accompanying soundtrack or score. Music sets the mood in ways that dialogue and setting cannot. And this is especially true when writing because the scenes play out like a movie in my mind. In the early days of writing the book I started a playlist on Spotify with songs that inspired certain chapters or parts. I wanted to share a few of them with you.

1. Florence + the Machine, "No Lights, No Lights"
That long note Florence holds about 3:45 in was the sound I heard when Zoe jumped off the cliff at Potato Harbor. To me that musical moment represents the sense of freedom Zoe achieved when she let go and flew through the air.

2. Metric, "Help I'm Alive"

I've loved this song for a while, and the title exemplifies everything Zoe feels in chapter three after she realizes she's not dead. I love the sense of the song, the kind of dark and pulsating beat that is kind of like a mechanical heartbeat. I love it.

3. Lana Del Ray, "Born to Die"

This is another song where the title embodies the spirit of Zoe more so than the lyrics or mood of the song. I happen to really like the song on it's own, and it's a bit melancholy, so I felt it was perfect.

4. Alicia Keys, "Never Felt This Way"

One of my favorite songs ever, and another song that has a bit of melancholy to it. And yet some hope as well.

5. Muse, "Madness"

Muse is one of my top-five favorite bands of all time. "Madness" is a bit of a departure from the sound I typically love from Muse, but something about this song really sticks with me and Matt Bellamy has a voice unlike anyone else. This song is one of the latest additions to the playlist, and it's one I'm listening to as I go into writing the sequel to "Zoe".

There are many more songs included in the playlist, but these are the ones that have been the most inspirational to me throughout the writing process. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Thank You!

Yesterday I had access to my first monthly report for sales on Amazon for "Zoe Thanatos" for the month of September. Published in the last few days of the month, the book far exceeded my expectations. When I knew I was going to self-publish the book I told myself to keep expectations fair and low so that whatever success the book did have would be great. My goal was to sell just 1 copy. I met that goal and (a few) more, in addition to giving away over 300 copies on Amazon, Amazon UK, and Amazon DE (Germany) on the first free promo day.

Thank you to everyone who picked up "Zoe Thanatos", whether you paid for it or downloaded it for free. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Question and Answer Event?

Just something to think about that I put out to the Facebook group. Would anyone be interested in participating in a question and answer session where you could ask questions about plots or certain things in the book and receive an answer from me? Kind of like a book club but not necessarily synchronous. If this is something you have an opinion about please leave me a comment. Thanks so much!

Free Book Promotion Today!

"Zoe Thanatos" is free on Amazon for the Kindle again today, October 14th until midnight (PST). Get yourself a free copy of a great book while you can! Buy at Amazon.

Friday, October 12, 2012

ZT Discussion on Goodreads

Are you a Goodreader? Come check out a new discussion topic on the "Zoe Thanatos" page on Goodreads and chat with others about what your favorite part or moment in the book was. Also, if you haven't added the book to your bookshelves you can easily do so and stay connected with both me and the book. Check out the discussion here. I look forward to reading your answers!

Monday, October 8, 2012

A Fresh Look

I thought the blog needed a bit of a touchup from the dark and cosmic look of the previous layout. What do you think? I've also put a little praise for the book in the side bar over there -----> featuring Zoe's first 5-star review! By the way, if you're on GoodReads and you've picked up Zoe to read (or you've read it already you awesome person you) be sure to add Zoe to your bookshelf here. You can also friend me if you'd like here

Thanks for reading!