Friday, August 17, 2012

Sneak Peek #1

Every week until the book is released I will be posting a chapter snippet to give you a sneak peek into the world of "Zoe Thanatos". Today's snippet comes from Chapter 1: Strangers on a Boat.

     She pulled her hair out from the binding of her ponytail and set her pack on the ground at her feet. Unencumbered, she stood at the edge of her world and closed her eyes. She breathed in the scent of the salty water blowing from the water, the breeze flowing through the goosebumps on her skin and around tendrils of hair. The sun moved slowly, warming the crown of her head, the top of her neck, and finally the tops of her shoulders before she opened her eyes. After the boat ride, the nearly three hour hike, and several hundred feet above the water that spread out at length before her, everything was the same minus the one thing she was searching for. Whatever last moment of happiness she experienced in that very spot was lost in time. 
     Her right foot took a step a few inches back, her left foot following suit. One foot at a time she inched backwards from the cliff. Her determination set as her eyes opened. This was her final plan come to fruition. 

Let me know what you think in the comments section! Next Friday I'll be posting another sneak peek from the book, but there will be plenty more to talk about between now and then. 

Thanks for reading!


  1. I didn't know you were writing a novel, Crystal! Where can I buy one?

    1. Hi! It's being released this month, during the week of the 17th (fingers crossed). I'll send you the link to the page I made on FB.


Thank you for your comment!
-Crystal Cierlak